Dear Partner,
Thank you for considering European Integration Group for your project. As an organization, we always give our best in everything we do. If we do not know something – we strive to learn that. If we are experts in the field – we share our knowledge.
More importantly, we value honest & straightforward communication. Thus, if you have any questions or simply want to chat, call/email us anytime.
Our mission: to create opportunities for youth and sustainable positive impact in the way we treat our planet & people.
Our organisation ID: E10090622
PIC: 926833546
Full Legal Name : Avrupa Entegrasyon Dernegi
Membership : Active Youth Network
Acronym : EİG
City : İstanbul
Country : Turkey
Type of Orgaization: NGO
Public Body : No
NGO : Yes
Main sector of activity: Offering participation in youth-led events and youth participation activities
Gender : Male | Gender : Male |
First Name : Uğur | First Name : Turgut Kaan |
Family Name : Keskin | Family Name : Akkoca |
Position : Director | Position :Director |
Email: | Email: |
Phone: +90 537 450 69 99 | Phone: +90 537 451 8218 |
Avrupa Entegrasyon Derneği (European Integration Group, EIG in short) is a non-profit organization that works with Turkish and international youth groups in Turkey. The main goal of the organization is to succeed in the integration of young individuals, start-up companies, institutions, NGOs, and as well corporate companies to European values and digitalizing world.
EIG mainly focuses on the topics:
Sport & Health,
Tackling Violence & Conflict Management
Peace – Mindfulness
Since its creation, EIG has been actively involved in both local and international (youth) projects. The organization has already successfully implemented a few KA105 mobilities of its own, and more than 90 as a partner. As a result of positive feedback from its partners in projects coordinated by EIG, EIG has developed a broad partnership network across Europe.
We follow our four core values in everything we do: 1) commitment – meaning we offer it our all; 2) transparency – we work with and for the public; 3) positivity – we see opportunities rather than problems; and 4) passion – we want to make the world a better place. It’s easy to write these principles down on paper, but it’s far more difficult to put them into practice.
EIG knows how important non-formal education is and hence incorporates experienced trainers in it. We assure that professionals with relevant experience and a proven record (in youth work and/or the project’s topic) will be working with us as before. We also count on a large pool of volunteers (data is collected according to the LPPD in Turkey) and potential partners to ensure that:
he project is implemented smoothly and strict work-tracking
the dissemination activities meet the targeted groups
successful and long-term cooperation
The projects EIG takes on, as a rule, focus on demanding and sensitive issues (e.g., inclusion of minorities and disadvantaged groups). Hence, we look forward to the challenges offered by the projects.
EIG has been actively involved in local and international (youth) projects since the very start of its existence. EIG has been a partner in more than 90 KA105 projects and coordinated the dissemination of each project successfully. The organization now has a lot of experience running youth programs. EIG has implemented a project called “Rural Entrepreneurship Heroes” a KA105 project in 2017, ”Safety is NOT Automatic” in 2019 R2 and ”Capoeira Can do All!” in 2019 R3, which took place after the covid- 19 pandemic. On the other hand, EIG was the partner in “Storify Your Mission for Impact! Youth Worker as a Digital Communicator” and “DigitAll” projects that increased awareness and show the importance on the digitalization to our team members.
Following the needs of the time, EIG took role as a partner in ”Transforming COVID-19 into an opportunity: new inclusive digital jobs and training for your people in the creative sector ” a KA227 project, ”Sport without Boundaries” an Erasmus+ Sport project. We’ve used it to coordinate further events to raise public consciousness about the current issues of hate speech, sexism, and discrimination. Aside from that, we’ve organized Youth Talks with international youth NGO volunteers on a regular basis. We addressed various social issues with youth during Youth Talks and introduced Erasmus+ and ESC opportunities. We’ve been organizing Youth Talks online since the pandemic. This knowledge will allow us to contribute to the goals of future Erasmus+ projects.
Currently, EIG continues its activities as a partner of 10 projects within the scope of Key Action-2 projects (such as Inner Peace, Digital Wise, YouCycle, I Spot Sport) and as the coordinator of “Peace at Home Peace in the World” project. In following days, EIG continues to work on project writing and partnership building to take a role as coordinator and partner in more projects.
Furthermore, EIG collaborates with other European NGOs and foreign organizations to guide and assist others in hosting youth initiatives in a variety of countries, foster cultural diversity, and contribute to positive social changes across Europe. We are currently assisting in the organizing of Erasmus+ youth initiatives in Poland, Malta, and Sweden on topics such as ecology, healthy lifestyles, social inclusion, rural cultures, diversity, ethnic minorities issues, and more. We are also educating residents about the benefits of such initiatives as well as the importance of the problems that are being raised.
Our goal is to not only solve the problem, but also to educate local communities about 1) the benefits of such funds/projects, and 2) the seriousness of the issues raised. As a result, EIG pays close attention to every detail and performs a wider range of tasks. From the initial stages of the research to the implementation and presentation of results. Such a mindset and set of skills are essential for any project.
Our team members are young leaders and youth workers, who developed their skills during their studies & experiences in different countries. This has not only given them a strong educational basis but has also taught them how to communicate with people coming from different cultural and social backgrounds.
Our team involves 36 people from different backgrounds with the same goal, to make our target groups qualified, sophisticated and multinational through universal education methods.
Turgut Kaan Akkoca, the founder of the European Integration Association (EiG), Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the keynote speaker of the United Nations “Leaders of the Future”, works at Deko Elektrik as the Business Development Manager, a Turkish-Chinese Manufacturing and Trade company in the field of electrical materials. Focusing on project management in Civil Engineering and holding a bachelor’s degree with a thesis on innovation and entrepreneurship trends in the construction industry, Akkoca is also studying for a master’s degree in financial engineering at Istanbul Boğaziçi University. After working as an international business development manager in China for 1 year, he put his interest in World Trade and Financial markets at the service of Erasmus+ and his social entrepreneurship at the service of an NGO. Managing the activities of 1 factory and 1 trading company and leading a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Turkey with more than 1M Euro funds and more than 25 team members, Akkoca is also interested in Global politics and macroeconomy.
Uğur Keskin is the president of the European Integration Group(EIG) and the district manager of Bosch Company Türkiye. He graduated from Yıldız Teknik University with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. Having specialized in digitalization, sustainability, and data analysis, he energizes these roles within the organization throughout various projects and their implementation, practices, and management. Recently, he initiated the Erasmus+ project called “Finish Your Plate!” raising awareness of food waste and sustainable actions that can be taken in food consumption. Possessing competence in communications and negotiation, he manages the social media and the social media team, creative team, human resources, and volunteer recruitment, organization and implementation of local projects, as well as managing the sending process for international projects from participant selection to dissemination activities. Currently, he is creating and facilitating digital competence workshops for youth workers to digitalize the youth work sector in Türkiye.
Gözde Nur Kaya is the Head of the Law Department of the European Integration Group and the Project Manager. She is graduated from Marmara University and completed a long-term Erasmus Exchange Program in Political Sciences and Law in Portugal, in 2020. Currently, she is studying her master’s degree in public health law at Marmara University. She works at as the Attorney at Law in the fields of Environmental Law, Sports Law, and Commercial Law. She quarterly publishes written bulletins about sustainability and the circular economy. She is also one of the founding members of the Istanbul chapter of a student-driven organization for sustainability in economics. Her first experience in international projects was thanks to EIG with “Make It Rural” project including rural entrepreneurship in 2019, Lithuania. In this project, she learned the elements of entrepreneurship and has been encouraged for startup projects. She has participated as a team leader in another project named “Route to Understanding” which focuses on the refugee crisis in the Balkan Peninsula and migration all around the world in 2019, North Macedonia. She has developed leading and organizational skills in these projects. By realizing these skills, she started guiding Turkish youth about Erasmus+ projects and still goes on. Currently she is running the Key Action- 2 Projects as project coordinator.
Hasan Mert İnce is a youth worker and user experience designer. He started his career in the Erasmus+ world and volunteered in non- governmental organizations in 2016. He volunteered as the leading marketing designer and became a board member at EIG. Participating in 9 projects, 4 of which he assisted in hosting, he has experience in both marketing design and youth exchange organization. He started his professional career with the Italian Youth Radio “We Radio” in 2017. He also did other projects in Italy, France, Norway, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, and Georgia. In 2018, he received the 2nd best project of the year award in the Nantes Creative Generations competition with his project on Immigrant Rights. Currently he continues with his voluntary youth work and UX design career.
Sarp Yarkın Dikmen is the Head of Sponsporship & Parntnership Department of EIG. He works as a Digital Marketing Senior Specialist at Ingage a Koç Group company. He graduated from Bahçeşehir University, Department of Economics. He is currently studying Management Information Systems at Anatolia University. He continues to use his interest in global digitalization and the global economy in his business and NGO life.
Bedrettin Bayaslan graduated from Beykent University Visual Communication Design. He established a student club for educational events and recreational activities. He met with Erasmus+ in 2017 when the project took place in Italy in 2018 which is called “We Radio”. Organizationally, he loves to develop strategies, find ideas and move forward. His technical skills related to social media, google advertising, digital media and technology. He is a digital strategist in EiG. Four years ago he applied the worldwide “Scorp” application used by people from Latin America to Spain. He is currently working as Social Media Manager at Brand The Bliss and Digital Media Manager at Nect Istanbul.
Erasmus+ | 2020-1-BE04-KA227-YOU-002814 | Partner |
Erasmus+ | 622632-EPP-1-2020-1-PL-SPO-SSCP | Partner |
Erasmus+ | 2020-1-TR01-KA105-081847 | Applicant |
Erasmus+ | 2020-2-TR01-KA105-095394 | Applicant |
ESC | 2020-1-TR01-ESC31-086241 | Applicant |
Erasmus+ | 2019-3-TR01-KA105-078941 | Applicant |
ESC | 2019-3-TR01-ESC31-078883 | Applicant |
ESC | 2019-3-TR01-ESC31-079333 | Applicant |
Erasmus+ | 2019-3-TR01-KA105-078964 | Applicant |
Erasmus+ | 2019-2-TR01-KA105-077990 | Applicant |
Erasmus+ | 2019-1-TR01-KA105-073581 | Applicant |
Erasmus+ | 2018-3-TR01-KA105-062039 | Applicant |
Erasmus+ | 2018-3-TR01-KA105-061486 | Applicant |
Erasmus+ | 2017-1-TR01-KA105-045198 | Applicant |